This fusion, known as Krisumi Corporation, signifies an innovative partnership between Sumitomo Corporation, a Japanese infrastructure titan with a distinguished 400-year heritage of excellence and reliability, and the Krishna Group, renowned modern giants in the Indian real estate arena, committed to implementing state-of-the-art design and technology. The term "Krisumi" is an amalgamation of the Sanskrit word "Kriyā," signifying 'creation,' and the Japanese word "Sumi," denoting 'fine living,' encapsulating the very essence of the venture within its name.
Krisumi's mission is to conceive, design, and construct residences distinguished by the highest standards of Japanese craftsmanship, tailored to suit the dynamic lifestyles of today. By harmonizing Japanese minimalist design principles with the warmth and vibrancy of Indian hospitality, we are crafting architectural marvels that are not only visually striking but also exceptionally functional.
Our vision is to redefine the concept of fine living by seamlessly blending the precision and elegance of Japanese design with the cultural richness and diversity of India, thereby setting new benchmarks in the realm of residential development.